This past weekend I went to Germany with my friends Kara and Inma. They are both language assistants that live in Colmar too. Kara has been living in Germany for a few years and has a boyfriend that still lives there, so this past weekend we tagged along with her to visit him. Basically I am trying to figure out WHY I never learned German! I always thought it was an ugly language, but I actually love it. Also, Germany is sooo cheap compared to France. I love France and all, but we are majorly lacking in the area of Wal-Martish or Target stores. Germany is covered in them. Every corner there is some huge discount store, such as Aldi. I definitely stocked up on some goods that are hard to find or expensive in France, such as toothpaste, q-tips, dental floss, gum, hairspray and fake Nutella(sorry mom).
Anyways, the cities we went to were Karlsruhe and Heidelburg. Karlsruhe is where her boyfirend's Mom lives, so we stayed at her house for the weekend. On Friday we went to a birthday party, and once again I can't believe how well German people speak English. The teachers here are definitely doing something right. They all say they speak a "little" English and then have a full conversation in fluent English. Part of me hates them for it, but I guess I should be happy for them. They even sang "happy birthday" in English, which apparently isn't out of the ordinary in Germany. On Saturday we went to Heidelburg for the day. I loved it there! There is a famous bridge and a "castle" which is pretty much just ruins of something that kinda used to be a castle. Bug regardless, it's a nice view. One thing that surprised me is that there were soo many Americans there. Turns out that Heidelburg is an American hot spot for traveling. On Sunday we walked around Karlsruhe and saw the castle where "Karl" lived. I have no clue who he is, but apparently he's a pretty big deal in Karlsruhe.
I decided to document this poop picker-upper since this is something that we NEVER see in France.

1 comment:
I'm so happy you are enjoying France and Germany!! You and your sister have made me a believer that Europe totally rocks!! We miss you and tell Kate that Dureel says howdy!
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