I definitely forgot that I never posted a blog about Venice! My bad. From Cinque Terre, we headed to Venice, and met up with another one of our friends from Strasbourg there. When we originally booked the trip we forgot one minor detail.. it was mardi gras. In Europe, the biggest mardi gras celebration happens to be held in Venice. Turns out we were there exactly on fat tuesday! I swear this was not on purpose, believe me, I think I'd have rather gone when it was a little bit more calm.
The town of Venice is beautiful, it's so crazy there there isn't one car anywhere, since the entire city is made up of islands. If you want to take a cab or public transportation, the only option is to take a boat. Lucky for us, we stayed on an island near everything, so we never had to use the boats. I'm sure they're fun, but it's not cheap!
During the day, we walked around, fought the crowds, and checked out all of the amazing costumes. People dress up in these costumes you will see in my pictures, and they are completely in character. They never speak, they walk really slowly, and they just stand in different positions to pose for everyones pictures. It was cool, but real, real creepy. The couples were ok but the people that were by themselves were just straight up weirdos. Anyway people had really beautiful and elaborate costumes!
The first night we were there, we randomly stumbled upon this huge party in the middle of a square near the touristy area. It ended up being so much fun, the music was great, we met some really nice people, and ended up dancing all night. It was cool because it was like going to a club.. except it was in the middle of a historical square in Venice. Amazing! The next night we tried to have a repeat of our fun night out.. but it was fat tuesday, and everyone in the town of Venice was a drunk mess. We went out for about 20 minutes, got completely fed up with how disgustingly drunk everyone was and headed right back home! Does this mean that I am getting old? I think it might..
All in all Venice was a beautiful city and I did enjoy our stay.. but I was more than ready to leave after 3 days of dealing with pushing crowds and tourists everywhere! I need to go back one day when it's not Carnival so I can see what the city is really like.

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