So let the job hunt begin. I know I said that this was my last year in France and I wanted to teach in the States next year, but having a French boyfriend seems to have changed my previous short-term goals. I SWEAR this time, only one more year. I promise, Mom.
After looking through some options, I decided that next year the job that is the best for me is to be a TA in a French university. The pay is much better than my job now, it's a year contract, and I think it is a perfect continuation of the job I have now. I would be working in the English section of the Language department in a university. My job would be basically what I am doing now, except its for French students who are in college and need practice speaking ze English. The problem is that I can't just apply through the French government and wait for them to place me like I have done for the past two years. I'm on my own now, like a big girl! The other problem is that most colleges here find their TA's through exchange programs already set up with colleges in England and the States. I read lots of forums online and found out that the only way to find a job is to just send my resumé to all the university language departments I can find. After a lot of hard work on my French resumé (complete with a required senior-pic style photo, barf), writing letters (in french! ugh), and getting letters of recommendation, this week I finally got it together and sent them all out to 10 (yes, TEN) different regions in France. My current total is 28, and still more to come. Phew. I applied to almost every big city in France, including 8 schools in Paris. My top pick for a place to live now would probably be Grenoble or Bordeaux. Grenoble would be nice for skiing, and Bordeaux is on the ocean. Hmm.
Unfortunately I've already had responses from the only two school in Alsace, and they were both negative. So, so sad. I love Alsace so much but it looks like it might be time to discover another region. It seems that the most opportunity is in Paris. Most people would think that it'd be great to live in Paris, but if you look past the Eiffel tower and tourist attractions, you're left with a dirty, expensive city full of crazy people. Believe me, I've seen some weird stuff there. I shouldn't be talking trash about somewhere that could be my future home though, should I?
To conclude, it looks like pretty much wherever I get a job, I will be moving. Hopefully Thibaut will be able to find a job wherever I am too. Of course there always is a plan B, which is doing a Master's in Strasbourg where I am now. Plan B will only be necessary if I do indeed get rejected by ALL 28 universities. I think I need to go breathe into a paper bag now.
Please cross your fingers for me! At least ONE school out of 28 has to need me, right? Lets hope..
Nancy, Paris, Nantes, Dijon, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Toulouse or Montpellier. What's it going to be?

1 comment:
good luck ba! Loved your paper bag reference... had me laughing out loud!! :-)
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