I know this seems like a normal thing to most people, but I finally got the internet/cable TV and a land line this past week! I haven't been this excited about anything in a long time! I've been too cheap all year to do it, so I was sharing wifi with my neighbor and giving him a little bit of money each month. I finally realized that I'm an idiot, because I could have had unlimited free calling to the US and all over the world for the past 3 years and never did it. I'm so dumb. Their phones are connected to the internet here, so you can call all over the world, unlimited for FREE! Not to mention I can now Skype with a better connection, and an added bonus : TV. My landlord had an old TV that he gave me, I'm pretty sure this thing is from 1970 but I'm just happy it works! I can even get some shows and movies in English, including the GOONIES! my favorite childhood movie, which I'm watching right now :) It's the little things that make me happy!

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