Monday 17 November 2008


So once again, French people love vacations.  Last Tuesday and Wednesday we had 2 days off for an unknown holiday.  Something having to do with a war?  I didn't really care to find out.  All that matters is that I have more vacation!  My friend's boyfriend lives in Freiburg, which is right over the border in Germany about an hour away from Colmar.  It's a big college town basically, and we went for the shopping.  Apparently French people realize that everything is cheaper in Germany too, because I heard more French than German the whole time we were there.  Once again another dream of mine came true, and that is that I finally got to go to an IKEA! I went in intending to only buy a few "necessary items," and obvi ended up buying way more than that, forgetting that I had to carry all this crap back to France with me.  I think I also forgot that in some point in time, I am moving back to the United States and I have NO clue how I will be getting these things back.  Carrying my bag back from the train station I thought I was going to die.  However, my apartment was missing a few necessary items, and now it feels much more like home :)  Here are some pictures of the actual sightseeing we did in between all of the shopping! 
Looks just like an ordinary statue.. but look closer at the one on the left. 

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